Anesthesia for Adults

We put a lot of value on explaining and informing you about your prospective anesthesia procedure to the best possible extent. With this information, you can make use of anesthesia in highly safe fashion, feeling confident and secure.

It is not only the anesthetist doing their best. You too must contribute to your superior safety and a successful anesthesia – and with that the success of the operation itself. Bear in mind the following rules:

For an anesthetist, supplying the most accurate information possible relating to your state of health are vital for the planning and implementation of anesthesia. An assessment by a general practitioner is necessary, independent of the severity of potential pre-existing conditions.

Fill out this form in complete and accurate fashion to register for anesthesia with questions about the state of your health. You get this form from your surgeon, GP or from us. If anything is unclear, our secretary will be happy to give you information or put you in contact with one of our anesthetists. We are happy to answer your questions.

Read some of our anesthesia brochures (e.g. ‘Anesthesia for all operations’, ‘Anesthesia in urology, UROVIVA’, ‘Anesthesia in hand surgery’ or ‘Anesthesia in eye surgery’. Follow the recommendations detailed there, especially those on sobriety. We are happy to answer your questions.

our brochures

General anesthesia is a condition similar to sleep. An infusion on the arm or back of the hand if followed by injection with a fast-acting anesthetic. The anesthesia process is continued either via a special anesthetic gas via the airways or the administering of anesthetics continually injected via the infusion. With this process sensitivity to pain and consciousness are ‘switched off.’ In the rule, breath has to be supported (artificial respiration); the patient is not sensitive to this. This occurs via a face mask, a laryngeal mask or breathing tube (intubation). At the end of the operation, the introduction of the anesthetic is stopped and people wake up within a few minutes. Finally, the patient is observed for a period in a different room.

Regional anesthesia offers the possibility to ‘switch off’ the sensation of pain solely in the area of the body to be operated on. Amongst these number brachial plexus anesthesia, spinal anesthesia, lumbar anesthesia, epidural anesthesia, intravenous block (I.V. block or UVRA) and special blockades to individual large nerve trunks.”